www.astrology.net Positions of Planets at Birth: Sun 01° 34' of Pis Moon 03° 12' of Leo Mercury 26° 14' of Aqu Venus 08° 38' of Pis Mars 22° 54' of Can Jupiter 26° 04' of Gem Saturn 26° 47' of Leo Uranus 16° 24' of Sco Neptune 18° 06' of Sag Pluto 16° 24' of Lib How You Approach Life and How You Appear To Others Modest, unobtrusive, and often rather quiet or shy, you are a person who is content to be in the background or to serve as an assistant, in the supporting role rather than in the lead. You are quite humble in your own assessment of yourself and you have a very strong perfectionistic attitude, with a tendency to be overly self-critical. No matter how well you do something, you always see the flaws in it and how it could be improved. Often you will simply refuse to attempt something because you feel you cannot meet your own high standards. You have an eye for detail and get upset when something is not done just so, usually something others consider rather inconsequential or trivial. You are hard to please and your relationships with others may suffer because of this. You also have refined sensitivities and are very discriminating and particular in your choice of foods, clothes, friends, artwork, etc. Order in your environment is very important to you. You step into situations rather cautiously, and not without realistically assessing all of the risks and potential advantages involved. Unless something is a safe bet, you are unlikely to dive into it. You tend to underestimate your own capacities and to lack confidence and trust in life, which inhibits your spontaneity. Worrying is a bad habit of yours. On the other hand, you rarely fall flat on your face and what you do, you do very well. Others see you as a self-sufficient and rather self-contained person. You have a strong sense of propriety. Politeness, good manners, and correct behavior are important to you. Your clear, cool, objective and nonemotional attitude is apparent to others first, and though you are really quite helpful and caring, you do not radiate much sympathy so that others may not see the helpful side as readily. You may seem more businesslike and factual, and also more conservative, than you really are at heart. You are the person others might go to for technical advice or an unbiased opinion, but not for emotional support. You are keenly observant, intelligent, and have a great desire for learning and for self-improvement, but you are not especially ambitious and are often satisfied in a rather simple, unglamorous position in life. The Inner You: Your Real Motivation At heart you are very gentle, impressionable, and receptive -a dreamer. The world of your imagination, feelings, and intuition is as real to you as anything in the outer world, though you may have trouble verbalizing or interpreting your inner experiences in a way others can understand. Mystical, artistic, musical, emotional and imaginative, you have a rich inner life, though you may seem rather unobtrusive and quiet outwardly. You usually keep to yourself. You have great sensitivity and empathy with others, and you often sense things psychically or intuitively which prove to be correct. You are tolerant, forgiving, and nonjudgmental, accepting people unconditionally regardless of their flaws, mistakes, or outward appearance. You have deep compassion for the suffering of any fellow creature and often feel others' pain as if it were your own. You sympathize with the needy, the disadvantaged, the misfits of society. You are capable of giving selflessly, living a life of devoted and compassionate service to others, as a healer, physician, social worker, or minister. However, you tend to give indiscriminately, to let others take advantage of your kindness, and to encourage the weak to remain so by becoming dependent upon you. You have little sense of boundaries, of limits, of knowing when to say "no". Moderation and self-discipline are not your strong points. You are a lover and a peace-maker rather than a fighter, and you try to avoid open conflict. You will patiently ignore or "tune out" problems and hope they will go away by themselves, rather than directly confronting them, and you tend to lack the positive fighting spirit that is sometimes necessary to overcome challenges. You are fluid, open, nonresistant, and somewhat passive. You do things in a subtle, often covert, manner. Your gifts may also lie in the realm of the creative, artistic, or musical, for you have a great sensitivity, inspiration, and limitless imagination. You respond very strongly to beauty and to love. Your faults include a tendency to be lazy and negligent, and to wallow in self-pity rather than taking strong, definite action to change your life for the better. You also tend to become so detached from your immediate environment that you live in a disorderly, chaotic sort of hodgepodge, though this probably bothers those around you more than it bothers you. **************************************** www.astrosale.com Positions of Planets at Birth: Sun 01° 34' Pisces Moon 03° 12' Leo Mercury 26° 16' Aquarius Venus 08° 39' Pisces Mars 22° 54' Cancer Jupiter 26° 03' Gemini Saturn 26° 49' Leo Uranus 16° 23' Scorpio Neptune 18° 04' Sagittarius Pluto 16° 20' Libra General Personality Born under the sign of Pisces, you have a deep-feeling nature with compassion for those less fortunate than you. You tend to have obscure and undefined goals, and cause confusion for yourself and others because you act on your emotions. But when you succeed in defining your objectives, you have an abundance of creative imagination and insight to realize them. You are kind and charitable, but sometimes your tendency to make sacrifices for other people can get out of hand. You can easily resort to telling white lies to get out of tricky situations, and all too soon you find yourself in trouble - either at work or with your parents or lover. Your imagination could be put to good use in the arts or music. You naturally respond to situations by taking control of them in an active way, and usually you cope very well with them. You have the ability to make people take notice, and are capable of convincing other people that you are right. You have strong feelings, and should not have any great difficulties expressing warmth and tenderness. Being somewhat proud, sometimes even vain, you appreciate a bit of flattery more than many other people. You should try to control a tendency to use too many big, sweeping statements, and to generalize too much. Remember not to jump to conclusions about things. Although you want to act when the urge moves you, it isn't always easy for you to do so without some apprehension. You are more defensive than offensive, and usually recoil rather than take decisive action to defend yourself when attacked. You tend to burn physical energy unevenly, and can overdo things when under pressure. Tension and inability to relax can result. Many different subjects interest you, since you have a boldly versatile streak which needs full expression. As a result you could find it difficult to sort out your priorities and direction in life. You have intellectual flair and ability, and a happy, basically optimistic temperament. Restlessness can be a problem at times, but bright repartee and a sense of humour should be in evidence. You have a need for everything that is of high quality, and a perfectionist attitude, as well as a liking for ceremony. Thoroughness in work, ambition and determination are present in considerable force, and a kind of noble regality colour your opinions and attitude towards life. You tend to be conventional, and conform to the standards of your own generation. You are able to carry responsibility, and powers of leadership could well emerge, as well as a hint of pomposity. Mentality & Communication You have a sharp intellect and an objective mind, and the ability to find original solutions to problems. You are not afraid to assert yourself when you know you are right, and willing to admit it when you are wrong. People are usually receptive to you because you don't establish any rules to which they must adhere. Human variety fascinates you, you enjoy conversations with all kinds of people, and you rarely condemn anyone, no matter what his or her status might be. You tend to be stubborn though, and probably have fixed opinions that only the most convincing arguments and substantial evidence can change. You are also broad-minded and positive in your way of thinking, and your intellect can easily handle abstract ideas. You are always interested in improving and expanding your mind and your knowledge. You learn rapidly, and you remember what has been learned. You have the ability to express yourself very well, and others often turn to you for answers since your knowledge is so extensive. You are likely to be drawn to higher education, and might take an interest in the field of education itself. You could also have a talent for generalized thinking, maybe especially philosophy. You have plenty of mental restraint, and a traditional way of thinking. You can be strongly opinionated, sometimes outright narrow-minded. You don't express yourself very easily, and never communicate unnecessarily. You are ambitious for intellectual recognition, but may encounter obstacles or delays attaining it. Somewhat prone to depression and mental anxiety, you might spend a lot of time thinking about succeeding or failing to succeed, or have doubts about your own capabilities. Be careful so this tendency to look on the dark side does not prevent you from recognizing opportunities. Social & Interpersonal Relations You are warm, sensitive and very compassionate, and have very much to offer in a personal relationship. Being a dreamer and a sentimentalist, you might be disappointed when your encounters fail to live up to your unrealistic dreams and expectations. Try to see the good things in common everyday life. You might tend to worry unduly over your lover if you have one, and it is likely that you suffer from feelings of inadequacy. You should realize that you have much to offer in a relationship, and not let people take advantage of your kindly nature. Don't commit yourself to someone just because you feel sorry for them.